Data Privacy

Personally-identifiable information

Personally-identifiable information (PII) concerns any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person.

First name, last name, and email address

Our databases use pseudonymization techniques to ensure your personally-identifiable information remains private. This means your username and password are stored and encrypted separately from any personally-identifiable information so that they can’t easily be linked.

You can edit or remove your personally-identifiable information at any time from the Edit Profile screen.


You sign in to your account using a username; your username can be anything you choose (providing it is not already in use) and, if you prefer, can simply be your email address.

It is possible to use your account with a pseudo-email address. However, you will be unable to reset your password if you opt to do this.

Data sent to us is encrypted at all times while ‘in transit,' meaning when your data is sent to Turnitin, it is impossible to access this information even if it is intercepted. Personal data is also encrypted while ‘at rest’ in our databases.


Our password policy reflects modern security principles and research. Passwords must be at least eight characters and can be as long as 128 characters. You can also use any character type in your password.

All of our passwords are encrypted while in transit and while ‘at rest.' We recommend a long password, using a mix of letters, numbers, and characters.


You will be asked to give consent for Turnitin to process your data when you first create your account. You’ll be asked to read our privacy policy and terms of service, and if you agree to the processing we’d like to do with your submitted file, your account will be created.

You can rescind your consent at any time by asking your account administrator to contact our Support team at By removing your consent, we will have to will disable your account and remove any documents you have submitted to our database.

Administrator control

Each account has a private repository. Private repositories store submitted files separate to the standard Turnitin database. Files added to a private repository can only be searched against by others users in the same account unless the administrator specifies that other accounts can also search against their account’s private repository.

Administrators can opt for all files to be automatically added to the account’s private repository or allow users to opt out of adding files to the private repository when they submit.

Document Deletion

You can request files to be removed from in the private repository by having your account admin contact our support team at

Personal Data destruction

You can request to have your personal to data deleted at any time by asking your account administrator to contact our Support team at After asking for your personal data to be deleted, we will disable your account and remove any documents you have submitted to our database.

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