Step 3 - Changing default account settings

There are two steps you must complete before this one:

1. Create an API Key in
2. Configure the integration in Moodle

  1. Log in to as an Administrator.
  2. Navigate to the Administration side-panel and find the Plugins option.
  3. From Plugins, find the Plagiarism option.
  4. Select the TurnitinCheck plagiarism plugin link.
  5. From the TurnitinCheck plagiarism plugin, select the Default Settings tab.
  6. Firstly, select the Enable Turnitin checkbox.

    These are the default settings for the account. Select this check box if you want every assignment to generate a similarity report.

  7. There are several optional settings that you can now edit. This will alter the default settings for any assignments you create.

    Learn more about submission options

    Immediately: The similarity report will be generated as soon as a file is uploaded.
    Immediately and regenerate on due date: A similarity report will be generated after a file is uploaded and then we will regenerate it on the due date. This is useful when looking for collusion within a group.
    Due date: Files will only receive a similarity report on the due date of the assignment.

    Student Access - This setting determines if students are able to see the similarity reports that are generated.

    Process draft submissions - Use draft submissions? This setting will allow similarity reports to be generated for each draft of a submission.

    Exclude from Similarity Reports - Allows you to automatically exclude bibliographies and quotes from the similarity reports. Want to know more? Check out the guide.

    Generate Similarity Reports - This option will determine the time between an upload and when a similarity report will be generated.

    Submission Indexing - This option will add files automatically to your organization's private repository. This makes them available to be matched against in similarity reports by other people within your organization.

  8. All done? Select the Save changes button.