Setting up with Canvas

Before You Start

These directions are to add Revision Assistant to Canvas Learning Management System. You must sign-in to your Canvas account each time before adding and/or using Revision Assistant.

Your Canvas System Admin can install Revision Assistant as an External Tool/App at the course or the district level. However, if your system admin does not plan to configure the External Tool at the system level, the Course Admin (or instructor) will need to install the LTI Integration at the course level. Revision Assistant functions as an 'App' within Canvas. You will have to add Revision Assistant as an App before using Revision Assistant in your course. This means that you will have to add Revision Assistant as an External Learning Tool from the Course Admin page before you can make and assign prompts. You can add Revision Assistant as an App by following the directions below:​​


Quick Start Guide

If you're not familiar with adding External Tool Providers in an LMS, then follow the rest of the steps on this page to get yourself set up. If you’ve done this before, then all the important stuff is listed below:

  • Configuration Type: Manual
  • Name: Revision Assistant
  • Consumer Key & Shared Secret: This will be generated specifically for your institution. Please check with the administrator of your account.
  • Launch URL:
  • Privacy: Public


Setting Up an External Learning Tool in Canvas

If your System Admin has not configured the App for Revision Assistant, follow these steps:

  1. From the Courses dropdown menu on the homepage, select the Managed Account you wish to add Revision Assistant.
  2. Click the Settings link from the menu on the left.
  3. Click the Apps tab from the header menu.
  4. From the Apps page, click View App Configuration.
  5. Click the Add App button.
  6. Enter the following information into the form then Submit.
    • Configuration Type: Manual
    • Name: Revision Assistant
    • Consumer Key & Shared Secret: This will be generated specifically for your institution. Please check with the administrator of your account.
    • Launch URL:
    • Privacy: Public
  7. Congratulations! You are finished adding the tool provider. To add Revision Assistant prompts to your course, please see Assigning a Revision Assistant Prompt in Canvas.


Assigning a Revision Assistant Prompt in Canvas

Once you have Revision Assistant set up as an App, you can launch the program and peruse and assign a Revision Assistant prompt. Here's how to do that:

  1. From your course page, click Assignments from the menu bar on the left.
  2. Click +Assignment, found in the top right-hand corner of the screen.
  3. From the Assignment creation page, under the Submission Type section, select External Tool.
  4. Click the text box to launch the tool menu and select Revision Assistant.
  5. Save and Publish your assignment.
  6. Launch Revision Assistant in your Course.
  7. Then, follow the steps here to assign a prompt to your students.