ClassLink SSO

Turnitin provides Single Sign-On (SSO) support through a custom authentication integration with ClassLink.

Getting set up

In order to use Turnitin’s ClassLink SSO integration, you must first create a ticket with Turnitin support and our team will help you through the setup process.

Please provide your four-digit ClassLink Tenant ID in the support ticket. This will help speed up the setup process.

Logging in using ClassLink SSO

Once your account has been configured for ClassLink SSO, your ClassLink administrator must configure the Turnitin application from within ClassLink. To learn more about how to do this, please refer to the ClassLink support documentation.

Once Single Sign-On has been successfully configured for both your Turnitin and ClassLink accounts, log in by selecting the Turnitin Login button in the launchpad area of your ClassLink account.

This will take you through to your Turnitin account.