Downloading the Class Report

Revision Assistant can automatically generate an Excel spreadsheet called the "Class Report" that allows you to see students’ rubric-trait scores, students’ overall scores, and class averages on assignments completed by that class for a particular prompt genre.  Continue reading below for how to view the report using the View Class Reports button, and what information will be on the report.


Downloading the Report

If you access Revision Assistant from (rather than through Canvas, Blackboard, or another Learning Management System), you can follow the steps below OR click the graph icon in your header to get to the Class Reports page.

  1. In Revision Assistant, select an assignment from the class you'd like to see.  When the assignment page comes up, click Student Progress in the side menu. This takes you to the Student Progress page.
  2. On the Student Progress page, select the View Class Reports button. This will take you to the Class Reports page.
  3. If not already populated, select a class from the dropdown menu. A reports panel organized by prompt genre will appear.
  4. Click Download to see the Excel report for a specific genre.  The download will begin automatically.
  5. When the download is complete, open the Class Report Excel file to view your students’ data. See below for how to interpret the data on the report.  

Class Report Page


Interpreting the Report

There are multiple tabs of information about your class’ progress and students' individual progress on the Class Report: the Class Overview tab; the Student Overview tab; and the Student Scores tab(s).  Read our Helpful Hints below for interpreting some of the data on each tab.  Then click on each image to make it larger and to see all the information that will be included on that tab.

Remember, only Signal Check and Spot Check assignments will show up on this report, not Expansion Pack assignments, because Expansion Pack assignments do not score students work.


The Class Overview Tab: Helpful Hints

The Class Overview tab Shows the class’ average on each rubric trait for every completed assignment in a genre
Date Assigned Is the date you (the teacher) created the assignment
Title Is the name you (the teacher) gave the assignment
The Type column Lists whether the assignment is a Signal Check or a Spot Check essay

Class overview tab


The Student Overview Tab: Helpful Hints

The Student Overview tab Shows students’ overall scores for each assignment from a particular genre

Student Overview Tab


The Student Scores Tab(s): Helpful Hints

The Student Scores tab(s) Shows the students’ rubric-trait scores for each assignment from a particular genre
Overall Score Our rubrics have 4 traits and 4 possible points for each trait. Each assignment is scored out of 16 points (4 traits, 4 points each)

Student Scores Tab


ALL Class Report Tabs: Helpful Hints

Dashes (--) Appear when a student
  • Does not turn in their essay
  • Turns in an essay that “Needs Review” (see below)
“Not Turned In” Appears when a student
  • Starts an essay but doesn’t submit it
  • Submits an essay, continues to work on it, but doesn’t submit their current draft
“Needs Review” Appears when a student starts an essay, but the essay
  • Veers off-topic  
  • Is too short (less than 5 sentences)
  • Is just the copied and pasted prompt and/or sources
  • Couldn’t generate a Signal Check within 10 seconds (only applicable to Signal Check essays)