About PeerMark™ assignments

PeerMark™ is a peer review assignment tool. Instructors can create and manage PeerMark assignments that allow students to read, review, and evaluate one or many papers submitted by their classmates. With the advanced options in PeerMark instructors can choose whether the reviews are anonymous or attributed.

Turnitin Feedback Studio has replaced Turnitin Classic however PeerMark will continue to use the same interface for both Instructors and students.

The basic stages of the peer review process:

  • Instructor creates a Turnitin paper assignment.
  • Instructor creates a PeerMark assignment and sets the number of papers students will be required to review, and creates free response and scale questions for students to respond to while reviewing papers.
  • Student papers are submitted to the Turnitin assignment.
  • On the PeerMark assignment start date, students begin writing peer reviews.
  • For each assigned paper students write reviews by responding to the free response and scale questions.
  • Students receive reviews as other students complete them.
  • Once the PeerMark assignment due date passes no more reviews can be written, completed, or edited by the writer