Removing instructors

Dropping an instructor will remove the instructor completely from the account. In a consortium account, it will drop the instructor from all accounts on the consortium. Instructors must be dropped individually from the instructor list on an account. Dropped instructors no longer have access to classes, papers, or any other Turnitin services from the account they have been dropped from. An instructor can only be dropped by the account administrator.

Once an instructor has been dropped by the account administrator, the user profile that was dropped can only re-join the account by being added by the account administrator directly from the instructors page.

  1. Select the Instructors icon to the right of your account name on the administrator homepage.

  2. From the instructors list page, click on the trash can icon to the right of the instructor's email address under the drop column.

  3. A pop-up approval window will appear asking if you're sure you'd like to drop the instructor. Select OK after confirming the instructor's name is correct for the instructor to be dropped

The instructor will be removed from your instructors list and the instructor will no longer be able to access the Turnitin account that their profile was dropped from.

The instructor will be removed from your instructors list and the instructor will no longer be able to access the Turnitin account that their profile was dropped from.