Response parameter table

Element XML-RPC Data Type Description API Methods
sid string Session identifier, 40 characters (a-z, 0-9) login
api_status int 200: Success 500: Application error 401: Authentication failure 403: Authorization failure 404: Does not exist or has been deleted all
messages array List of one or more informational messages. These messages may or may not contain error conditions not listed in the errors field. all
errors struct List of one or more error messages. These are typically due to input data validation failures and thus associated with the specific input field, but may general in nature and require inspection of the messages field. all
response_timestamps dateTime.iso8601 An iso8601 XMLRPC field in UTC (with a ‘Z’ appended), returned only for responses that have a 200 api_status code. all
id int Id of the newly created element







groups array An array of group elements group.list
group struct A struct of group element attributes id, name all that return groups
folders array An array of folder elements



folder struct A struct of folder element attributes id, name




pager struct Contains the following members: entries_per_page, total_entries, current_page any that return a pager
entries_per_page int Number of entries per pager page any that return a pager
total_entries int Total number of records returned by the pager element any that return a pager
current_page int Current page of result set account.get
account struct Contains members describing the account status user.list
users array An array of user elements


user struct A struct of user element attributes (id, email, first_name, last_name)



report_url   A url to view the report which requires user authentication report.get
view_only_url array A view only report url which expires in a set amount of time report.get
view_only_expires array The expiration time in minutes from the response_timestamp field at which the view_only_url expires. report.get
documents int An array of document structs. Each document struct has the following attributes: id, is_pending, author_first, author_last, uploaded_time, processed_time, percent_match, title, parts document.get
parts int An array of document part (section) structs. Each document part (section) struct has the following attributes: doc_id, score, words, folder, group, id, name document.get
doc_id int Document part (section) id document.get
max_percent_match int The largest source match percentage for the document document.get
score array Document part (section) score document.get
words string Number of words in document part (section) document.get
uploaded array An array of upload structs corresponding to uploads. Each upload struct has the following attributes: id, mime_type, filename, folder document.add
mime_type string The MIME type determined for an uploaded document any that return an uploaded struct
is_pending int The number of document sections/ parts remaining to be processed by the document processing system after a document is uploaded. document.get
filename string The document filename any that return an uploaded struct