Edit a user's information

To edit a user's information, select the Edit button to the right of the user's email.

From here an admin will be able to make changes to the information and permissions that they set when creating the user.

Resend an Activation Email

When a new user is created, an activation email is sent to them. If you need to resend the activation email, select the green Send Activation button.

Deactivating a User

To deactivate a user, select the green Deactivate User button within the User Information page.

Note: All files associated with this user will NOT be deleted and are still viewable by administrators. Yet the deactivated user can no longer log into the account.

Once a user has been deactivated they can then either be reactivated or deleted from the account completely. Reactivating the user allows the user to regain access to the account and all of their submitted documents and folders. To activate a user who has been deactivated, select the Activate User button.

Deleting a User

Within the User Information page, select the red Delete User button to permanently delete this user from the account.

Warning: Once a user has been deleted all documents submitted by the user will no longer be accessible by the administrator or by shared users.

If a user is accidentally deleted, it can be undone by clicking on the undo link that appears in the banner beneath the top menu. If the user navigates away from the page, the action cannot be undone.