Submitting to a Moodle Workshop

Turnitin uses the same Moodle upload process you'll already familiar with. If you haven't submitted using Moodle before, follow the steps below.

  1. Using the Navigation sidebar, move to your course.
  2. Select the General option.

  3. From the list, find the workshop you'd like to submit to.

  4. You will be able to submit files to Turnitin during the Submission phase of the workshop.

    The date your workshop enters the submission phase is determined by your instructor.

  5. Select the Start preparing your submission button.
  6. Add a title for your submission.
  7. There are two ways of getting a Similarity Report from Turnitin via workshops.

    1. Adding words to the Submission content text-field.
    2. Adding files to the Attachment section.

      You can add as many files as your instructor has allowed for the assignment. A similarity report is generated for any supported file added to the workshop.