Excluding an individual source

Sometimes, you may notice that a source is included in the Similarity Report that you didn't intend, or there may be a source you think was permissible, and don't want it to contribute to the overall similarity score.

  1. When you are viewing a similarity report, from the sources sidebar, choose a source view.

    Top sources: A list of the top sources found in the document

    All Sources: A list of all sources that have matched in the document.

    Excluding from either of these views will also exclude it from the other view

  2. Select the source that you would like to exclude. The source will expand to show you the a snippet of the matching text.

  3. Scroll to the bottom of the source text and select the Exclude Source button.

    Excluding a sub-domain will only remove the match from that level of the domain. If there are multiple matches, from different parts of a single domain, they will be treated differently.

    For example: help.turnitin.com would be a different source to example.turnitin.com

  4. You're all done! The similarity score will be updated to reflect the exclusion you have just made. 
    Made a mistake? Learn how to re-inlcude a source.