Finding a Turnitin paper ID

Turnitin paper IDs are created when papers are submitted to Turnitin, and act as unique identifiers.

Turnitin Feedback Studio and Turnitin Originality Check

There are three places you can find a paper ID in Turnitin Feedback Studio and Turnitin Originality Check

The assignment inbox

In any assignment inbox of your Turnitin account, you'll find the paper ID for each student submission in the PAPER ID column.

Document information

If you're accessing Turnitin through a Learning Management System (LMS), the paper ID can be found in the Feedback Studio.

Select the information icon at the bottom of the Feedback Studio toolbar to view the paper information. The paper ID (referred to as Submission ID) can be found at the top of this list of items.

Digital receipt

You can also find the Turnitin paper ID in the digital receipt.

  1. From the Feedback Studio toolbar, select the download icon.
  2. Select Digital Receipt to download it as a PDF. You can find the paper ID in this document.

Turnitin Originality, Turnitin Similarity, and SimCheck

There are two places you can find a paper ID in Turnitin Originality, Turnitin Similarity, and SimCheck.

The assignment inbox

In any assignment inbox of your Turnitin account, you'll be able to copy a submission's paper ID by selecting the three dots to the right of each submission and selecting Copy ID.

Within the Similarity Report

The paper ID can be found within the Similarity Report of the paper.

  1. Select the Question mark icon

  2. Select Display Paper ID
  3. A modal with the paper ID will be shown.

  4. Select the clipboard icon to copy the paper ID to your clipboard