Uploading a file via Google Drive


  • Your total upload size must not exceed 200mb
  • Each file must be 100MB or less and must contain at least 20 words of text
  • The maximum paper length permitted is 800 pages
  • Zip files must not exceed 200mb or contain more than 100 files


  1. Select My Files from the sidebar.

  2. Select the Upload button.
  3. Select the Google Drive logo from the file selector.

    You'll need to allow pop-ups from Turnitin to use Google Drive upload.

  4. If you are not already signed in, use your Google credentials to authenticate yourself with Google Drive.

  5. You'll now be asked to give permission for Turnitin to 'View and Manage the files in your Google Drive'. We only ever use this permission to upload the file you select.
  6. Use Google Drive interface to find the file you would like to upload. Been a while? Check out Google's documentation.

  7. In Turnitin, if required, amend the file's title and enter the author's first name and last names. Only the title field is mandatory.

    If you've made a mistake, use the trash can icon to remove the file.

    1. You can choose to add your submitted files to the account's private repository by checking the Index to your account's repository check box.

    This option will not be available if your administrator has opted to store all files in the account's private repository.

  8. Hit the Confirm button to start your upload.
  9. Monitor the progress of your upload in the upload progress box at the bottom of the sidebar.

  10. Select Open to view the document or select the file from My Files.

    Your Similarity Report may take a few minutes to process after your upload is complete.