Deleting a user

User management settings will only affect users within your web-based Turnitin instance. The settings on this page will have no affect on users in your LMS.

  1. Select Users from the sidebar.
  2. Select the checkbox beside the user, or users, that you'd like to delete.
  3. Select Delete from the top menu.
    1. Alternatively, select the three dots to the right of the users details to open the user management menu
    2. Select Delete from this menu to delete the user.

      If you have selected more than one user, you will not be able to select the Edit option.

  4. A modal will appear asking if you are sure you want to delete this user.

    Deleting a user is permanent. Any Similarity Reports created by this user will also be deleted. These will not be recoverable.

    Select Permanently Delete to delete the user.