Deleting comments and strikethroughs

Bubble comments | Inline comments | Strikethroughs

Bubble comments

  1. To delete a bubble comment from a paper, open the bubble comment box, and select the trash can icon in the bottom left corner of the bubble comment box.

  2. If you accidentally delete a bubble comment, you can reinstate it by selecting Undo on the notification that appears at the top of the paper.

Inline comments

  1. To delete an inline comment, hover over the comment with your mouse and select the trash can icon that appears above the comment.

  2. If you accidentally delete an inline comment, you can reinstate it by selecting Undo on the notification that appears at the top of the paper.


  1. To remove the strikethrough from a piece of text, hover over the text with your mouse and select the trash can icon that appears above.

  2. If you accidentally remove a strikethrough, you can reinstate it by selecting Undo in the notification that appears at the top of the paper.