Viewing late submissions

Students enrolled in a class show up in the assignment inbox. If a student has not submitted a paper, -- no submission -- will appear in place of a paper title. To quickly view the enrolled users that have not submitted a paper, sort the inbox by paper title by clicking on the title column heading.

Note that some users may accidentally enroll multiple times and appear both as -- no submission -- and with a submission. To check this, click on the author column heading to sort the student list by name and check for duplicates.

  1. To access the assignment inbox, click the All Classes tab, which will direct you to the Instructor homepage.

  2. From the Instructor homepage, click on the class name of the assignments you wish to access. You will be directed to the class homepage.
  3. From the Class homepage, click on the View link under the Actions column next to the assignment that you wish to access
  4. If a paper is submitted late to an assignment the submission date appears in red. However, if no submission has been received by the due date and time, "Late" will appear up in red in the date column.