Creating a paper assignment

All submissions by students are made to assignments in a Turnitin class. Assignments for a given class are created, displayed, and modified from the class homepage.

  1. To reach the class homepage, you must firstly access the main homepage by clicking the All Classes tab from the top of any page.
  2. From the main homepage, the instructor must click on the name of the class to view the class portfolio

    An instructor with Online Grading or grade book available, will be required to set a post date on an assignment. This post date and time must be after the start date, but can be set before the due date of the assignment.

  3. In the class portfolio, click on the Add Assignment button.
  4. Select Paper Assignment by clicking on the radio button next to Paper Assignment.
  5. Click on the Next Step button.
  6. On the next page, enter the Assignment title.

    If you are a grade book user, you may also enter an optional point value. This is the maximum number of points a student can receive from an assignment. Feedback Studio can only accept numerical grades E.g. 100. By setting a point value, this allows the grade to be set by rubrics (if used) and be sent to the grade book.

  7. Select the start and due dates for the assignment. Specific times are also selected. Students are only able to submit once the start date and time has passed. After the due date and time, students will be blocked from submitting papers, unless late submissions are enabled.

    1. Online Grading and Grade book users must select a post date for the assignment. The post date is the date and time that students can begin viewing the comments and grades that you have left on their papers in Online Grading. The post date can be set before the due date.

  8. Select whether the assignment will require Similarity Reports for submissions or whether any file type can be uploaded. The default option is to Allow only file types that Turnitin can check for originality. For assignments that do not require Similarity Reports, you can can select Allow any file type. This allows instructors to leave feedback on every file type.

    If the repository options are enabled for an instructor by the administrator, two or four options will appear within the Submit papers to dropdown list. Select from the dropdown list where you would like papers to be submitted to.

    The repository options are:

    Standard paper repository - Turnitin will store these submissions to the standard repository allowing them to be compared against by students from others institutions.

    Institution paper repository - Submissions will be stored in a repository private to your institution. Only submissions made within your institution can be compared to the papers in this repository.

    Student's choice of repository - Allow students to decide whether their submission is stored within one of the repositories or not.

    No repository - Submissions will not be stored to any repository. These papers will not be used for any similarity comparison.

  9. When creating a paper assignment, you may select to view and change any of the advanced assignment options. The advanced assignment options are viewed by clicking the + Optional Settings link. To find out more about these settings, check out our guidance here.