Changing paper repository options

Changing paper repository options

The account settings page allows you to change the default options set at account creation.

  1. To begin customizing your Turnitin account settings, select the gear icon alongside the account (or subaccount) you wish to edit.
  2. Select Edit account settings.

Select one of the three options from the Paper repository options:

  • Enable instructor standard repository options (default):
    Instructors will be able to set the assignment option to either store student papers within the standard paper repository or to not store the papers in the repository.  
  • Enable instructor expanded repository options:
    This option is for institutions that would like to provide a choice for instructors to set their assignment options to store student papers in the standard paper repository, the institutional paper repository or no repository.
  • Submit all papers to the standard repository
    All student papers submitted to the account will be stored in the standard paper repository with no choice provided for the instructor in the assignment options.