Reading peer reviews

Once the PeerMark assignment post date has passed, students are able to read the reviews written on their papers.

  1. Once logged in, click on the name of the assignment inbox the peer review was in.
  2. Select the launch peer review icon to the right of the PeerMark assignment.
  3. Select the Received Feedback link to read the reviews of your paper.

  4. PeerMark will open with the student’s review of your paper. All answers to the free response and scale questions will be available on the right side of the screen under the Questions tab.

  5. To view the reviewers comments in a list click on the Comments tab.

  6. Click on the Rate this Review button to rate the helpfulness of the review. Select a number on the scale from 0 to 10 and click on the Submit button to rate the review.

  7. If you would like to print the review click on the Print link on the PeerMark toolbar.