Submission inbox

Once a submission has been made to a Turnitin assignment, the submission inbox will contain the submitted paper. If the instructor has allowed students to view the Originality Report for their paper, a percentage icon will appear once the report has been generated. If the instructor used GradeMark to grade the paper, then once the post date passes, students will see an pencil icon that will open GradeMark when clicked.

The My Submissions tab contains the following columns:

Submission: contains the title of the paper submitted and the status of the submission.

Submitted: contains the date and time of the submission.

Similarity: contains the Originality Report icon for the submission which displays the percentage of text within the paper that matches content in the Turnitin databases.

Grade: contains the grade received for the paper and the GradeMark icon. Select the GradeMark icon opens up the graded paper in GradeMark. After the post date of the assignment both the grade for the paper and GradeMark will be available to view.

Feedback: if the instructor has left feedback for your paper, the blue number link will show the number of comments an instructor has made. Select the blue number to view the instructor’s comment(s).

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