Accessing e-rater feedback

The e-rater grammar feedback technology, developed by ETS®, automatically checks submissions to an assignment for grammar, usage, mechanics, style and spelling errors; providing in depth feedback with on paper marks. 

If your instructor has enabled e-rater for your assignment you will receive your feedback on the assignment post-date along with the rest of your feedback.

There is a 64,000 character limit for ETS e-rater checking. Papers in excess of this limit are not eligible to receive grammar checking.

e-rater® grammar and spellcheck comments are automatically available to you immediately after submission.

When viewing a paper, e-rater technology will load the grammar and spelling marks, which may take up to a minute to appear on-screen. Select the e-rater mark to view its description.

For a more detailed description of the e-rater mark, select View Handbook.

It may take up to a minute for the e-rater feedback to load for the paper.

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