Viewing e-rater feedback

The e-rater ClosedEducational Testing Service, or ETS, is the developer of e-rater, a form of grammar feedback technology that automatically checks submitted work for grammar, usage, mechanics, style and spelling errors.grammar feedback technology, developed by ETS®, automatically checks submissions to an assignment for grammar, usage, mechanics, style and spelling errors; providing in-depth feedback with on paper marks. To use e-rater® technology for an assignment it must be enabled during assignment creation.

There is a 64,000 character limit for ETS e-rater checking. Papers in excess of this limit are not eligible to receive grammar checking.

The e-rater® feedback appears on the paper as purple comments. Click on any mark to view the description of the e-rater feedback.

The e-rater® side panel

The e-rater side panel displays the five e-rater trait categories and the number of each type of mark found for the paper. To access the ETS side panel, click the purple ETS icon at the bottom of the product toolbar.

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