What's new in PeerMark?

We'd like to introduce you to a few changes to PeerMark that will be available via our LTI, Moodle Direct V2, and Blackboard Direct 2.5 integrations.

We'll let your students know when they have a review to write (LTI only)

Your students may notice a flashing red icon on the PeerMark Reviews tab. This notification indicates that they have reviews to write. The notification will stay in the navigation until they have finished writing all the reviews you've asked of them.

Easy-to-understand start dates

To help give students a helping hand to keep track of their school schedules, we'll now show them an easy-to-understand note telling them when they can get started with their peer reviews. They'll be able to return to this screen when the start date and write their reviews.

Students can read reviews with a single click

We want students to be able to access their reviews as simply as possible. When their classmates have written a review for a paper, your students can use the Received Feedback button to instantly open their PeerMark reviews.