Configure extended LTI in Brightspace

  1. Log into Brightspace as an administrator.
  2. Select the Settings cog from the top right-hand corner of the page.
  3. From the large list, select Config Variable Browser.

  4. From the All Variables list, select 3rdParty.
  5. Select Turnitin.

  6. Select LTI to begin configuring your integration.

  7. Select AccountID.
    1. Select the Add Value button.
    2. From the Add Variable Value pop-up box, use the Select Org Unit button to display a list of available org units.
    3. Select the org unit that you'd like to integrate with.
    4. Select Update.
    5. Enter your Turnitin account ID into the Value field.

      The account ID can be found in the Account ID column of your or administrator screen.

    6. Select the Save button.
  8. Use the breadcrumb at the top of the page (d2l > 3rdParty > Turnitin > LTI > Account ID) to select LTI.

  9. Select Shared Key.

    1. Select the Add Value button.
    2. From the Add Variable Value pop-up box, use the Select Org Unit button to display a list of available org units.
    3. Select the org unit that you'd like to integrate with.
    4. Select Update.
    5. Enter your Turnitin shared key into both Value fields.
    6. Your shared key can be found within your integration in or Log into your Turnitin administrator account to retrieve the key.

    7. Select the Save button.
  10. Use the breadcrumb at the top of the page (d2l > 3rdParty > Turnitin > LTI > URL) to select LTI.

    1. Select URL.
    2. Select the Add Value button.
    3. From the Add Variable Value pop-up box, use the Select Org Unit button to display a list of available org units.
    4. Select the org unit that you'd like to integrate with.
    5. Select Update.
    6. Depending on your location, enter on of the following URL into the Value field: - If you are in the UK - If you are anywhere else

    7. Select the Save button.
  11. Use the breadcrumb at the top of the page (d2l > 3rdParty > Turnitin > LTI > Account ID) to select Turnitin.
  12. From the d2l.3rdParty.Turnitin list, systematically select each of the following items and switch the values to "on": 
    • HasERater
    • HasGradeMark
    • HasPlagiarismPrevention

    These features are dependent on your institution's Turnitin license. If you do not have grading or grammar on your Turnitin license, selecting HasERater or HasGradeMark will not work.

    If you are switching from Legacy API to LTI, these configurations will have already been set. If the values have not already been configured with variable values, follow steps 12a to 12f.

    1. Select the Add Value button.
    2. From the Add Variable Value pop-up box, use the Select Org Unit button to display a list of available org units.
    3. Select the org unit that you'd like to integrate with.
    4. Select Update.
    5. Change the value to on.
    6. Select the Save button.
  13. If you wish to separate the Similarity and Online Grading features, an extra configuration step is necessary:
    1. From the d2l.3rdParty.Turnitin list, select OriginalityCheckDefault
    2. Under the Override Values section, click the pencil icon under the Value header to edit the value.
    3. Select the off option from the dropdown menu and click Save.

This completes your extended LTI configuration. Turnitin will now be enabled for Brightspace dropbox assignments.

In order to use PeerMark with D2L V2, please visit this page.