Handling dates

How are dates handled in the Canvas Plagiarism Framework?

All submission dates are controlled by the dates you set in the Canvas assignment. If a Canvas user sends us a paper to process, we’ll process it. We run our collusion check on the due date in order to check for any collusion between students within the same assignment.

If a due date is not provided in the Canvas assignment settings, then the due date will default to one year in the future in Turnitin. This is to ensure that Turnitin assignments remain active, since Turnitin always requires a due date for an assignment.

Are ‘until dates’ supported in the Canvas Plagiarism Framework?

Yes, all dates that can be applied in Canvas will function the same regardless of whether Turnitin is used or not.

Will the Canvas late submission policy work with the Canvas Plagiarism Framework?

Yes, the paper will still be processed by Turnitin and a similarity score will be returned in line with the Canvas late submission policy. If you plan to use the late submission policy feature across several courses, we recommend testing this feature first.

Can I grant individual due dates or set multiple due dates for an assignment?

Yes, you can. The Canvas Plagiarism Framework has no impact on submission dates; this is controlled on the Canvas side.

If you are creating an assignment with multiple due dates, make sure that you create an additional due date option with 'Everyone else' selected. This will be the due date that we use for collusion checking.