Grading with rubrics and grading forms

There are two ways to grade with a rubric or grading form. You can grade from the side panel or the full-size rubric/form viewer.

From the side panel

  1. From the online grading toolbar, select the rubric icon to open the Rubric/Form side panel.
  2. The criteria for your rubric or grading form will appear in the panel.
    1. For rubrics, you can set the score for each criteria using the sliders. Click and drag the slider to the assigned score.
    2. For grading forms, you can add comments to the comment fields and set a numerical score (if enabled on the form template).
  3. Once you have set your scores, select Apply to grade at the top of the side panel.
    1. When you do this, the assignment grade will change depending on the values you've assigned to each criterion.

From the full-size view

The full-size view displays your rubric or form in a separate window and allows you to grade papers more efficiently. The student you are currently grading can be seen in the top right-hand corner of the expanded view. You can navigate to other students using the standard navigation options and continue to grade each student that has submitted to the assignment.

  1. From the online grading toolbar, select the rubric icon to open the Rubric/Form side panel.
  2. Click on the four arrows icon at the top right of the rubric or grading form title.
  3. Grade the submission.
    1. For rubrics, select a criterion description to give your students a score for that area.
    2. For grading forms, you can write comments and assign scores (if enabled in the form template) to each criterion.
  4. When finished, select Apply to Grade at the bottom right.
  5. While you can assign decimal values to a rubric once applied to a grade the decimal will be rounded to the nearest whole number.

  6. To continue grading other student papers in the expanded view, use the navigation arrows in the Feedback Studio, or use the navigation dropdown to select a specific paper. This will automatically change the paper you are scoring in the full-size view.

Assigning criteria to bubble comments and QuickMarks

If you want to associate your feedback with the rubric or grading form that you're using, you can assign criteria to a bubble comment or QuickMark.

  1. Click the Assign Criterion button at the top of a bubble comment box. This will reveal a list of your rubric or grading form's criterion, from which you can choose to assign an individual criterion to the comment.

  2. The Assign Criterion button will change to the criterion name, confirming that it has been assigned to the comment.

  3. The comment icon will be displayed with a rubric icon inside it.

  4. To remove the assigned criterion from the bubble comment, return step 1 and click the selected criteria to remove it.

  5. You can also view the bubble comments with assigned criterion in the rubric and grading form manager.