Step 1 - Adding the Turnitin app in Canvas hosted environments

This guide is for users who are looking to integrate on a Canvas hosted environment. If you use Canvas Open Source or are self-hosted, switch over to the relevant guide to get started.

Initial steps in Canvas

Our Canvas integration has been designed in a way to make things as simple as possible to get started. The only steps remaining in the registration process is to add Turnitin as an app within your Canvas environment.

  1. Navigate to the Admin page of your Canvas environment, and the open the Developer Keys section.

  2. Switch to the Inherited tab.

  3. The Inherited section displays all of the apps that have pre-configured their registrations for you. Navigate to the Turnitin option.

  4. Move the Turnitin switch from OFF to ON.

  5. You'll be asked to confirm changing the state of the developer key. Select OK to continue.

  6. From the Details column, copy the fifteen digit developer key you just activated.

Adding the Turnitin App

  1. Switch to the Settings section of the Admin page, and select the Apps tab.

  2. If you are migrating from LTI 1.1 to LTI 1.3 and would like to test how to access past LTI 1.1 assignments using the LTI 1.3 integration, you can install this integration at the course level. You will follow the same steps below, but use Settings from within the course.

  3. Select the View App Configurations button.

    If you already have the Turnitin LTI 1.1 integration configured in your Canvas environment, click View App Configurations, then click the Gear icon for that integration and choose Edit from the dropdown. Rename the tool to Turnitin LTI 1.1. We recommend this so that you can tell the two integrations apart. If you are using both the Canvas Plagiarism Framework integration and the LTI 1.1 integration, the LTI 1.1 integration is the only one that can be renamed.

  4. Select the + Add button.

  5. Change the Configuration Type to By Client ID.

  6. Paste the developer key 170000000000696 into the Client ID field.

  7. Select the Submit button.

  8. You'll be asked to confirm the app installation. Select the Install button to continue.

  9. You've now completed the first step of the registration process. Now, you must create a dummy assignment to initialize the integration with Turnitin.