Grade Centre differences between Blackboard Ultra and Classic view

Ultra view

Grades provided in the Turnitin Feedback Studio viewer are automatically passed back to the Blackboard Grade Centre. However, if the instructor has already provided a grade to the student, the grade will not pass back.

For assignments with anonymous marking enabled, the grade will pass back to the Blackboard Grade Centre when the Turnitin feedback release date has passed.

In the Turnitin LTI inbox, the grade will appear based on the Turnitin feedback release date. If the Instructor has supplied a grade in the Blackboard Grade Centre, it won't affect the visibility in the Turnitin LTI inbox.

Classic view

Users of other Turnitin integrations may be used to the grade book column being hidden from view for instructors and students. With LTI 1.3, the column is visible by default, and grades are automatically updated immediately when changed in Turnitin.

For users looking to hide this data, instructors need to manually hide the grade column from students when creating an assignment. Once grades are ready to be released to the student, the grade column can be unhidden and revealed to your student.

In the Turnitin LTI inbox, the grade will appear based on the Turnitin feedback release date. If the Instructor has supplied a grade in the Blackboard Grade Centre, it won't affect the visibility in the Turnitin LTI inbox.