Writing a peer review

Peer reviews are completed by students writing or selecting answers to free response or scale questions provided by PeerMark or created by the instructor.

Free response questions require a written response and may have a minimum length requirement. Scale questions require the students to rate an aspect of the paper that is being reviewed based on a question the instructor has created according to a scale.

A peer review can be saved and closed to be completed at a later time by selecting the Save button at the top of the peer review page.

  1. A student can begin writing a peer review by selecting the Launch Turnitin PeerMark Review icon beneath the Tools heading of the submission inbox.

  2. Select the Start Peer Review button to the right of the PeerMark assignment.

  3. PeerMark will open. All the free response and scale questions that need to be completed for the peer review are located on the right side of the PeerMark screen.

  4. To answer a free response question, select the text box below the question and type in your response. The word minimum for the response is listed below the text box.