Creating a PeerMark™ assignment

PeerMark assignments can only be created if a class has at least one paper assignment. A PeerMark assignment requires a paper or review assignment to be ‘based on.’ This allows the PeerMark assignment to have a pool of papers to use as the basis for the peer review.

If anonymity in the review is desired, student submissions should not contain the name of the author in the text or at the top of the paper.

To create a PeerMark assignment, click on the Launch Turnitin PeerMark Manager icon beneath the Tools heading of the submission inbox.

Certain fields are no longer editable once you pass your assignment dates. Also, once a student submits a review, the Peermark assignment settings cannot be edited at all.

  1. Select the gray plus + icon to begin setting up your PeerMark assignment.

  2. Add a Title and Instructions . These will be seen by your students when they open their PeerMark Assignment Inbox.

  3. Peer reviews can be started any time between the Students can review from and Students can review until dates. During this time any completed peer reviews will be released once the Peer feedback available from date has been reached.
  4. Assign a maximum point value for the PeerMark assignment.
  5. Click Additional Settings to view advanced PeerMark assignment settings.
    1. Award maximum points on review - This relates to the point value you've set for the assignment. If you choose Yes, your students will receive the full point value for reviewing their peer's paper.
    2. Students can view the names of their peers during review - By choosing Yes, students will see the name of the author whose paper they are reviewing, as well as the names of the students who wrote the reviews for their papers. Choose No to make this information unavailable to your students.
    3. Students without a submission can review - This is the non-submitter participation option. By choosing Yes, students who have not submitted papers to the paper assignment on which your PeerMark assignment is based can still write reviews for other students' papers. Choose No to disallow non-submitter participation.
    4. Automatically distribute papers for review - PeerMark can automatically assign papers to the students in your class. Enter a value to distribute a specific number of papers to each student. Enter as a minimum. You can force pair your students' papers via the Distribution tab.
    5. Students can self-select papers for review - Enter a value to allow a specific number of papers to be selected by each student. If you prefer that students do not have this option, enter 0.
    6. Students must review their own paper - By choosing Yes, students will be required to write a review on their own paper after they complete all other assigned reviews.

  6. If a student submits late to the base assignment they may not receive a paper to review or others students may not receive their paper. As you can allow Turnitin to automatically assign, or allow students to pick, a set number of papers, they may have already reached their review allotment before the late submission.

Adding questions to the PeerMark review

An instructor is able to choose between a mix of either scale or free response questions for the PeerMark assignment.

A free response question example would be: “What is the thesis of the paper?”

Free response questions allow an instructor to pose these questions for students to answer in their peer review and can include minimum length requirements.

A scale question example would be: “How well does the introduction pull you in as a reader? Scale, Not very well to Really well”

Scale questions allow students to rate the paper on instructor chosen areas of writing. To add questions to a PeerMark assignment click on the PeerMark Questions tab.

Creating a free-response question in PeerMark creation

  1. Click on the Add Question button.
  2. Enter the question into the Question field and select Free response from the question type drop down.

  3. Enter a value in the Minimum answer length field.
  4. Select the Save button to add the free response question to the PeerMark assignment.

Creating a scale question in PeerMark creation

  1. Click on the Add Question button.

  2. Enter the question into the Question field and select Scale from the question type drop down.

  3. Select the scale size. The highest scale value is 5.
  4. Indicate the highest and lowest value of the scale in the two fields below.
  5. Select the Save button to add the scale question to the PeerMark assignment.

Adding a question from a PeerMark library

  1. Click on the Add from Library button and select the library you would like to add a question from.

  2. Toggle the questions you would like to add to the assignment or if you would like to add all from this library, select the Toggle All button.

  3. Once you have chosen the questions you would like to be added to the assignment, select the Add Selected Questions button.

Once a student has begun their Peer Review, questions will not be able to be edited.

Selecting the number of papers each student will review

Select the Distribution tab to adjust the number of papers each student will have to review. The default is to have each student review 1 paper automatically distributed by PeerMark. You can adjust the distribution of papers to individual students using the + and - buttons.