Creating a PeerMark assignment

PeerMark assignments can only be created if a class has at least one paper assignment. A PeerMark assignment requires a paper or review assignment to be ‘based on.’ This allows the PeerMark assignment to have a pool of papers to use as the basis for the peer review.

If anonymity in the review is desired, student submissions should not contain the name of the author in the text or at the top of the paper.

  1. From the left-hand navigation, select Content under your course title.
  2. The Content page allows you to build content, create assessments or different tools to a module. To add a Turnitin PeerMark assignment, select the Assessments drop-down menu, then select Turnitin Assignment.
  3. Select PeerMark Assignment and click on the Next Step button to begin creating a PeerMark Assignment.
  4. Select the paper assignment the peer review is based on.

  5. Select a Point value for the assignment. Select whether to award full points if review is written by placing a check mark in the Award full points if review is written option.

  6. Next, select the dates for the PeerMark Assignment. The dates the instructor must select are: the start date, the due date, and the post date. The start date is the date students can begin reading papers and writing reviews. The due date prevents students from writing reviews after this date. The post date is the date students will have access to reviews written by their classmates.

    1. Each time you create a blackboard basic assignment, a class is created within Turnitin with an end date set to a fixed point in the future. This is automatically done so older students are not counted against your account's student limit. If you try and set the start and due date to a time after the end of the class, an error will be shown explaining that the class is expired. If you do encounter this error, creating a new base assignment with a due date in the future will extend the end date of the class, allowing you to continue creating your PeerMark assignment.

  7. Click the Save & Continue button to continue PeerMark assignment creation.

Selecting the number of papers each student will review

  1. Click on the Edit link to adjust the number of papers each student will have to review. The default is to have each student review 1 paper automatically distributed by PeerMark.

  2. You are able to change the Paper(s) automatically distributed by PeerMark and Paper(s) selected by the student fields.

  3. (Optional) Opt to allow students to write a self-review by clicking in the Require self-review check box. A self review uses the same free response and scale questions the student used to write reviews of their classmates’ papers but the review is for their own paper.
  4. Select the Save button to save any changes or Cancel link to cancel any changes.
  5. Click Save & Continue to continue.